DOMINATE YOURSELF: A Manifesto for Submission in celebration of Mistress Lucy’s birthday

With the calendar year coming to an end, and My birthday on the 21st planted firmly in the midst of the holiday season–which to be realistic, Dommes us all when it comes to social obligations–December has always been a complex month for Me. Juggling My own penchant for flamboyant birthday celebrations with the collective impulse to reenact more traditional orthodoxies, it can be a time fraught with ambivalence and inundation when it comes to reflecting on and wrapping up a year of one’s life.

That’s why this year, dear sluts, I’ve decided to round out My year by writing a Manifesto for Submission. This declarative text is one that is close to My heart–laying out the many reasons why submission, and the surrender it entails, is crucial for living a more lucid and self-actualized life.  This is an important topic so it’s a longer read than usual, but I hope you can buckle down and take from this nugget of wisdom what you will…and that you demonstrate your understanding of it by exercising your submission and treating your Mistress to something very nice for Her birthday ;) 



I. Introduction

Do you suffer from feelings of restlessness, dissatisfaction, anxiety, and inferiority? Of course you do! We all have things about ourselves that we would like to change–thoughts, fears, and anxieties we’d rather avoid or pretend like don’t exist. Yet day after day, we go on denying and downplaying our personal weaknesses, hiding from one another the fact that–on some level–we all feel like worthless maggots slithering around in our own goo.

So why don’t we simply make the changes in ourselves that we can so clearly identify? Popular wisdom credits a lack of willpower, resolution, or constitution for the inertia that prevents one from embodying their ideal self. This type of “common sense” logic is as ubiquitous as it is false, acting as a red herring when in fact, the opposite is true: it is actually the inability to submit that holds each of us back from reaching our true potential.

II. The Fiction

Whether you are a Freudian who divides the psyche into id/ego/superego, or a religious type who posits that our “soul” is engaged in a cosmic tug-o-war between good and evil, there is a common sentiment that the human subject is not in agreement with itself. Far from homogeneous, each individual houses an ecosystem–a diverse bio-environment where organs, bacteria, parasites, and viruses are held together in space by the fleshy skin sack that delineates our body.

And yet even with the messiness of this material reality upon us, we still speak of the self as a single entity, driven by a clearly defined force. Self-control, self-discipline, self-possession, single-mindedness…the language we use betrays the collective fiction that currently defines modern life.

We’ve been told over and over that in order to be competitive one must man up, grow a pair, have some balls, don’t be a pussy, act like a man…really? Can you think of anything more vulnerable, or more delicate than balls hanging defenselessly in a sack, unprotected and open to the world? Yet, this is the common language used to denote strength and dominance.

Meanwhile, the pussy, which is capable of taking poundings without repercussion, regularly bleeding for days on end, and literally gives new life to humanity is used as a negativism synonymous with weakness and cowardice. Do you sense an inherent contradiction here?

III. Time to wake up

What are folks talking about? Why all this emphasis on self-dominance and not self-submission? Could it be the same reason that we use the weakest part of humanity as a metaphor for strength?

While language can help us perform the mental gymnastics necessary to invert reality–I, for one, have had enough. I’m sick of seeing people around me miserably toe the line in their personal lives, relationships, and careers—playing it safe out of fear that someone will discover the deviant inside, who will then inevitably expose their carefully curated life as a sham, a failed pantomime of normalcy. I say fuck that old hat…because it’s never too early to hit rock bottom. It can only be too late.

In fact, coming to terms with the worst you have to offer is perhaps the best thing you can do. So stick your dick in that hat and start humping. Understand that your weakness is the part of you that is most real. Dreams and aspirations are like vapor, whimsical fantasies that anyone can conjure–but the shameful repressed parts are what constitute your personal landfill. This is what makes up your foundation here’s where we look into the void that you’ve built your entire life around. Now that’s real.

IV. Sit in your Shit

You led yourself here, and now you must surrender to forces greater than yourself in order to eat your way out of the subterranean mess you made. Make no mistake, what I’m talking about is submission. Willfully relinquish your power and know that it is only through the acceptance and adoption of physical and psychological submission to another that you have any real chance of ultimately submitting to yourself. So isn’t it about time to dissolve your ego and embrace what you dread most? 

Humiliation, degradation, objectification: the more extreme one’s devotion to selflessly serve the desires of another, the more actively one endeavors to transcend the fiction of self that is presented daily, the more one stands to gain from this experience. It is only when one is able to remove one’s own self-imposed limitations that one’s true potential can be revealed. There is no dominance without submission so if you wish to truly master yourself, you must become practiced in the art of surrendering yourself.

This art may not be for everyone. Standing naked and vulnerable in the face of total obliteration takes no small amount of courage. But if you can humbly accept your seat in the shit and stand to be deconstructed–crumbled into a million little pieces under your own lens–I promise, you will transcend insecurities and internalize reality’s inherent contradictions, coming out the other side stronger than you ever imagined.

V. Conclusion

No matter who you are or what you do, you can unleash the power of submission that is already latent inside you.

Give up control, give up hope, and give up judgement. Start your training today to (i) honestly acknowledge your actual makeup (no matter how perverse the fear-driven world might say it is), (ii) lovingly accept your personal garbage heap by wallowing in your worthlessness, (iii) and tap into the regenerative power of submission as a renewable source of strength. Empty your mind, stop asking questions and shed the ego–start your slow crawl to success right this moment and grow a pair…then let Me tie them up in a pretty pink bow and bust them to My hearts content.




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